Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in OR:
Our vision is that people are supported to live their whole/full/good life regardless of what services they access. Charting the LifeCourse offers us common language and tools to help anyone achieve that vision.
Innovation/Focus Areas:
- Embed the CtLC principles into planning process and transitions in life
- Leverage the leadership of people with developmental disabilities to guide conversations and support others
- Equip people with developmental disabilities and their families with strength-based approaches and strategies for planning and problem solving so they lead and direct their own lives
- Explore how CtLC can further our focus on racial justice, equity and anti-racism
Resources and Highlights:
Supporting Links:
- Team/State DD Agency: Oregon Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Team/State DD Council: Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities

OR CoP Lead Partners:
OR CoP for Supporting Families Facilitators:
Beth Kessler
Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities
Anna Lansky
Office of Developmental Disabilities Services
Caitlin Shockley
Office of Developmental Disabilities Services
Lilia Teninty
Office of Developmental Disabilities Services
OR CoP for Supporting Families Team Members:
The Arc Oregon:
- Aniko Adany
- Jennie Heidrick
- Nicholas Kaasa
- Jennifer Buss
- Stephanie Widler
Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities:
- Ryley Newport
- Beth Kessler
Oregon Support Services Association:
- Katie Rose
Oregon Deaf Blind Project:
- Carlie Rhodes
Oregon Department of Disability Services:
- Carrie Salehiamin
- Caitlin Shockly
Creating Opportunities:
- Cheryl Cisneros
- Rebecca Hill
- Melissa Elliot
Living Opportunities:
- Emilie Wylde Turner
FACT Oregon:
- Heather Olivier