Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in OK:
We envision a state where families and communities are equipped to keep people with disabilities supported, empowered, and on a journey towards a good life.
Innovation/Focus Areas:
- Introducing LifeCourse principles to education and educators
- Introducing LifeCourse principles to support transitions
- Bridging gaps between the school system, DHS-DDS, Aging, Child Welfare in using LifeCourse principles in supporting persons and families
- Using LifeCourse principles in supporting persons and families while waiting on waiver services.
- Expanding and building capacity of LifeCourse Ambassadors in Developmental Disabilities Services
- Expanding and building capacity of LifeCourse Ambassadors in Community Living, Aging, and Protective Services
- Expanding and building capacity in the understanding, use, and create a culture change of the LifeCourse principles in Oklahoma Human Services
- Partnering with Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project to provide training to educators, family members, and students in the LifeCourse principles.
Success Stories:
- Oklahoma Is seeing a culture shift from the medical model (focusing on health and safety) to a person-centered culture shift (focusing on what’s Important to a person and for a person and how to support them) for persons with developmental disabilities and their families
- 7 DDS staff are LifeCourse Ambassadors (+ 1 in training)
- 1 DD Council LifeCourse Ambassadors
- 600 Oklahomans trained in LifeCourse principles and tools July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
- LifeCourse principles and tools embedded Youth Leadership Forum (YLF), Partners In Policymaking (PIP), Leadership Education and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND), Oklahoma Aging Advocacy Leadership Academy (OAALA) programs
Resources and Highlights:
- Using LifeCourse to Plan Waiver Services: https://ouhsc.edu/thecenter/Publications/UCEDD-Videos#cbp=mediaid28860
- Oklahoma Human Services Developmental Disabilities Services LENS LifeCourse ‘suitcase’ created for use with Youth Leadership Forum and others. The video was made / shared for Person Centered Thinking Learning Community Gathering
Supporting Links:
- Team CoP Website: Center for Learning and Leadership at University of Oklahoma (UCEDD)
- Team/State DD Agency: Oklahoma Human Services
- Team/State DD Council: Developmental Disabilities Council of Oklahoma

OK CoP Lead Partners:
- Center for Learning and Leadership / UCEDD, OUHSC: https://ouhsc.edu/thecenter
- Oklahoma Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Services: https://oklahoma.gov/okdhs/services/dd/developmental-disabilities-services.html
- Oklahoma Human Services, Community Living, Aging, Protective Services: https://oklahoma.gov/okdhs/services/cap.html
- Oklahoma Disability Law Center: http://okdlc.org/
- Oklahoma Family Network: http://oklahomafamilynetwork.org/
- Think Ability: http://thinkabilityfirst.com/
- Oklahoma State Department of Education: https://sde.ok.gov/
- Oklahoma Autism Network: https://okautism.org/
- Department of Rehabilitation Services: https://www.okdrs.gov/guide/DRS
- Sooner Success: https://soonersuccess.ouhsc.edu/
- The Arc of Oklahoma: http://thearcok.org/
- Pervasive Parenting Center http://www.pervasiveparentingcenter.org/home.html
- Liberty of Oklahoma: libertyhealthcare.com
OK CoP for Supporting Families Facilitator(s):
Jenifer Randle
Developmental Disabilities Council
Wanda Felty
Center for Learning and Leadership at University of Oklahoma (UCEDD)
Ed Lawson
Developmental Disabilities Services
Kimberly Kraft
Oklahoma Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Services
Miranda Kieffer
Oklahoma Human Services, Community Living, Aging and Protective Services