Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in OH:
An Ohio in which people with developmental disabilities of all ages, and their families, have a vision of their good life, are empowered in identifying supports, and attain what they need to live the lives they want to live. Ohio families are strengthened AND empowered by building inclusive communities through utilizing and integrating the Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools.
Innovation/Focus Areas:
- Connecting local communities to the state agency through technology-based initiatives
- Integrating CtLC domains in a new Ohio Individualized Service Plan and enacting CtLC with Ohio families in OISP conversations and planning.
- Building a diverse and robust team of CtLC Ambassadors in many different roles throughout Ohio that integrate the CtLC framework and tools within their sphere of influence.
Success Stories:
Ohio is comprised of 88 counties and 88 County Boards of Developmental Disabilities, which each provide services and supports to families in their county. Each county board of DD has their own Individual Service Plan (ISP). The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) is rolling out an Ohio Individual Service Plan (OISP) all 88 counties will utilize and CtLC language and concepts are included in the OISP.
Resources and Highlights:
- DODD webpage “Supporting You & Your Family” offers families information and resources within CtLC life domains.
Family Resource Network of Ohio (FRNO):
- The Family Resource Network of Ohio (FRNO) is a website where families visit to discover various types of resources. Those resources include listings for agencies and providers, therapists, books, webinars, programs, calendar of events, and various trainings, including Charting the LifeCourse. FRNO believes in families supporting families, empowering families and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Ohio.
- FRNO Facebook group also services as a platform for supporting families with resources and opportunities for engagement in trainings and more information.
- CtLC Videos for viewing:
- Charting the LifeCourse – The Basics
- Charting the LifeCourse and PCT Applied to the Pandemic
- November 2020 CtLC LIVE Event: Core Belief and 8 Principles
- Charting the LifeCourse LIVE: Working with the Trajectory

Supporting Links:
- Team CoP Website: Family Resource Network of Ohio
- Team/State DD Agency: Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
- Team/State DD Council: Oho Developmental Disabilities Council