Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in MI:
Michigan is focusing its efforts on enhancing person and family-centered policies, practices and organizational culture through the lens of Charting the LifeCourse framework.
In partnership with the Community Mental Health Association of Michigan, the Michigan Community of Practice for Supporting Families formed a collaborative learning community to provide Community Mental Health Service Providers (CMHSP’s) an opportunity to work collaboratively to transform and enhance person-centered planning practices and policy.
Members of the learning community receive training, technical assistance, and the opportunity to connect with others through a two-year process designed to support ongoing transformation at an organizational and statewide level.
Innovation/Focus Areas:
- Completed scan of state’s strategic planning priorities to leverage positive change
- Improving person-centered practices within the behavioral health system (which will result in improved quality of life for individuals served) through mentoring, modeling, and coaching organizations in CtLC as an approach for person-centered planning and practice.
- Providing ongoing support and TA for the learning community sites as they work to integrate the framework in their existing policies and practices.
- Developing a training series for Case Managers, Peer Mentors, Independent Facilitators and the general community.
- Working on strengthening relationships with stakeholders and educating families and individuals with IDD on the LifeCourse principles and tools.
Success Stories:
- Michigan continues to focus efforts on improving and enhancing person-centered planning through the learning community.
- Community Mental Health Service Providers are utilizing the LifeCourse principles with the individuals and families they serve.
- Provide ongoing opportunities for self-advocates, family members and professionals to learn about how to use Charting the LifeCourse to develop a vision for a good life.
Resources and Highlights:
Disability resources in Michigan: https://www.michigan.gov/disabilityresources/state-prog
Resources for Community Mental Health Service Providers: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/mentalhealth/developmentaldisability/resources-for-cmhsps
Website Links:
State CoP Website: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/mentalhealth/developmentaldisability/resources-for-cmhsps
MI DD Agency: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/mentalhealth
MI DD Council: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/mentalhealth/developmentaldisability
Bureau of Children’s Coordinated Health Policy and Supports: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/mentalhealth/mentalhealth/childrenandfamilies
Children’s Special Health Care Services: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/assistance-programs/cshcs

Supporting Links:
- Team/State DD Agency: Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
- Team/State DD Council Link: Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council
MI CoP Lead Partners:
MI CoP for Supporting Families Facilitators:
MI CoP for Supporting Families Team Members:
Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration
Laura Demeuse
Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration
Marie Eagle
Arc Michigan
Tedra Jackson
Michigan DD Council
Price Pullins
Bureau of Children’s Coordinated Health Policy and Supports
Kathy Lentz
Integrated Services Kalamazoo
Justin Tate
Bureau of Children’s Coordinated Health Policy and Supports
Angela Martin
MI Developmental Disabilities Institute
Aleisha Leavitt
Children’s Special Health Care Services