Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in MA:
To create innovation and transformation that enhances supports to individuals in the context of their family and community.
We do this by:
- Integrating CtLC into existing priorities for system change
- Using CtLC principles as a lens to influence policy, practice, and procedure
- Using CtLC to encourage families and their professional supporters to think differently and have different conversations
Creating a Network with all stakeholders, convening to build on/leverage existing opportunities where early adopters and champions are coming together and uniting their energies and efforts toward a shared purpose/goal.
- Connect and leverage stakeholders and partners to share information and align efforts and identify any gaps
- Create a community of shared learning across and within stakeholder groups/functions/roles
- Gather feedback about needed
Innovation/Focus Areas:
- The CoP embedded CtLC components into the procurement for the state’s family support programs to promote Integration and application in in the ways families are engaged and supported.
- The CoP has launched a Statewide Stakeholder Network for Supporting Families aimed at creating linkages across multiple agencies to develop mutually supportive goals for change
- The CoP has partnered with multiple organizations and agencies to sponsor training In Charting the LifeCourse for families and professionals, and to also embed the framework in existing trainings on other topics and in materials and resources that are created.
- Strategic focus on use of CtLC when supporting Individuals and their families In planning for the transition from school to adult life, and with people engaged In self-directed services.
Success Stories:
In November 2019, The Arc of Massachusetts with other state agency partners and providers sponsored a full day conference on transition for families organized around the Charting the LifeCourse, from the keynote presentation, workshops, and resource area, creating integrated stars for different life domains. It was a great way to introduce the framework and way of thinking to more than 400 family members and professionals.
Resources and Highlights:
A series of 25 short videos have been developed from the perspective of family members and professionals, highlighting how Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools has made a difference in their lives and been beneficial to them in different ways. This social media campaign and web page will be launched in mid-April. The link will be shared as soon as available.
Supporting Links:
- Team/State DD Agency:
- Team/State DD Council Link:

CoP for Supporting Families MA Facilitator(s):
Margaret Van Gelder
Department of Developmental Services
Ingrid Flory
Department of Developmental Services
Kristin Britton
Department of Developmental Services
Jane Ryder
Department of Developmental Services
Dan Shannon
Developmental Disabilities Council