Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in Maryland:
MD CoP for Supporting Families envisions a State where people with developmental disabilities and their families are informed and supported to lead what they determine to be their Good Life, fully integrated in their communities across the lifespan.
The MD CoP will build capacity through partnerships across the State to create policies, practices and systems to better assist and support families that include a family member with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) across the lifespan.
Innovation/Focus Areas:
Implementing CtLC the DDA, and other state and community partners have affected regulation, policy and practices on state systems, non-profit organizations, and local communities to better support Marylanders with I/DD and their families through:
- Information/Resources
- Family Engagement
- Services/Funding
- Person Centered Planning
- Transition
- Long Term Services & Supports – Provider
- Family and Self-Advocacy
- State Partners
- CtLC Ambassadors
Success Stories:
STRATEGIES FOR THE GOOD LIFE: Supporting Families in Maryland:
An information/ resource folder for families caring for family members with developmental disabilities. It includes key statewide supports and services available to MD families through government agencies, non- profit and private organizations. It identifies basic supports and services available across the lifespan listed according to life domains i.e. Daily Life & Employment, Community Living, Safety & Security, Healthy Living, Social & Spirituality, and Citizenship & Advocacy.
Webinars & Sharing of Information
- The DDA’s communication with people and Families is frequent and regular, and provided in a multiple formats to ensure that people and families receive the information they need; Deputy Secretary’s bi-weekly webinar, MD CoP for Supporting Families bi-weekly webinar, At-A-Glance documents, Policy, guidance and website etc.
- The DDA host The Deputy Secretary’s By-Weekly Webinars to share Information and updates for people with I/DD, families, Providers and broader community
- MD CoP for Supporting Families Webinar Series:
- Connects people with I/DD, their families and others in order to share information, ideas and learn from one another in an effort to build knowledge, skill and resiliency within themselves and the community as Marylanders find their way through COVID-19 and beyond. The series addresses topics and concerns faced by individuals and their families related to COVID -19 and everyday life. This is accomplished with the help of invited guests, families, participants and subject matter experts and considered through the lens of CtLC. Topics have included; Remaining Connected During Covid-19, Lessening the Trauma of Covid-19, Transition, Person Centered Planning, Building Partnerships, Electronic Visit Verification, Maryland ABLE, and Behavioral Supports etc. On average there are 250 attendees.
- At- A-Glance documents were developed for self-advocates and family members. They are short, easy to read and explained changes to DDA policies and services etc.
- The DDA convened a stakeholder group made up of families, from diverse backgrounds, to solicit their feedback and make recommendations on the types of services, they require in order to care for their family members with I/DD, to be included in DDA’s new Family Support Waiver
- Individual and Family Survey on COVID-19
- The DDA conducted this survey to better understand the perspectives of people and families (1,392 respondents) on how COVID may or may not have begun shifting service delivery; inform reopening planning; and inform future flexibilities within DDA operations to support new approaches identified during COVID-19.
- The DDA launched its Family Support Waiver in January of 2018 which includes services e.g. Participant Education, Training & Advocacy Support etc. recommended by families and reduced the number of children/young adults on the DDA’s wait list.
- Language, reflected of Person and Family Centered values is communicated throughout DDA Waiver
- The principles of CtLC Inform and are embedded in Employment 1st and Self-Directed Services
- MD’s Appendix K is Person and Family Centered. It allows the DDA to temporarily change how waiver services are provided. It has increased the flexibilities needed to continue services during this unchartered time and reduce service disruptions.
- In August 2020, the DDA has contracted with UMKC to evaluate and make recommendations to enhance its PCP process to be more person and family centered resulting in supports and services that better meet the needs of individuals and families it serves. A diverse stakeholder group composed of family members, self-advocates, providers as well as executive staff from the DDA Regional Offices and Headquarters has been convened to participate and facilitate this process. It is ongoing.
- The principles of CtLC inform and are embedded in the DDA’s guide for its Coordinators of Community Services (CCS) (case management) – Exploration and Discovery for Development of the Person Centered Plan
- Towson University (TU) /Department of Special Education (DSE)
- Undergrad / Grad Curriculum – TU/DSE is working with undergraduate and graduate students interested in furthering their practice as special educators and school leaders by advancing their understanding and use of person centered approaches in Transition planning and IEP development. Faculty of the program have worked with state agency leaders, parent advocates, and trainers from a national community of practice to specifically introduce, CtLC framework as one of many ways to support the visions of the students and families with whom they work.
- The Prince George’s County Local CoP works with families of transition youth to develop their vision, figure out what they need to know and do, and identify or develop resources, supports and services in order to live their Good Lives
- A Maryland CtLC Ambassador has developed and offers a workshop series on Transition that teaches about the concepts and several of the tools and then requires the families to use them (ideally) with their young adults and to share them back with the group. The tools being used are the Trajectory, the one-page profile, the Integrated Supports Star, and the Life Domains Vision Tool.
- The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region utilizes CtLC to enhance both their Admissions and Person Centered Planning processes . In addition, they’ve organized their services and resources on their Family
- Provides training on CtLC to frontline supervisors to enhance Person Centered planning and practices,
- Utilizing the CtLC MyLifeCourse Portfolio, SEEC developed a One-Page Hospitalization Profile for individuals needing to be hospitalized during COVID-19, enabling them and their families to plan accordingly while providing medical staff with critical information.
- Through a SpArc Grant SEEC developed a “Moving Out” Pilot Training Series for 20 + to assist adults with I/DD ( and their families) to move from their family home. CtLC was was used to create their life trajectories, prepare, plan, identify resources, develop skills, identify next steps and move out.
Resources and Highlights:
- STRATEGIES FOR THE GOOD LIFE: Supporting Families in Maryland Resource Folder
An information/ resource folder for families caring for family members with developmental disabilities. It includes key statewide supports and services available to MD families through government agencies, non- profit and private organizations. It identifies basic supports and services available across the lifespan listed according to life domains i.e. Daily Life & Employment, Community Living, Safety & Security, Healthy Living, Social & Spirituality, and Citizenship & Advocacy. - CtLC in Maryland YouTube Channel:
- DDA Appendix K and At-A-Glance Documents:
- Arc Northern Chesapeake Region – Family Supports Services:
Supporting Links:
- Team/State CoP Website: and
- Team/State DD Agency:
- Team/State DD Council Link:

MD CoP Lead Partners:
The MD CoP for Supporting Families Statewide Leadership Team, led by the MD Developmental Disabilities Administration, comprises the following community and statewide partners.
MD CoP for Supporting Families Facilitators:
Mary Anne Kane Breschi
Developmental Disability Administration
MD Developmental Disabilities Council
Patricia Sastoque
Director of Programs
Developmental Disability Administration
Maryland CtLC Ambassadors:
Twenty-one Marylanders have completed the Nexus CtLC Ambassador Series. Ambassadors have an enhanced skill set to use CtLC in both personal and professional life, including problem solving, life planning, formal planning, and strategic thinking and can teach others about the principles, tools and their application.
- Donne Allen:
- Mary Anne Kane-Breschi:
- Cindy Kaufman:
- Gregory Knollman:
- Kelly Meissner:
- Paulette Roseboro:
- Natalie Saah:
- Babette Smith:
- Stacy Taylor:
- Sarah Thornton
- Kathleen Walker:
- Larry Bram:
- Kathy Edwards:
- Chelsey Rogers
- Alyssa Thorn:
- Kim Marchman:
- Jamie Stoner:
- Kathleen Hollman:
- Flossie Rosser:
- Phil Givens
- Debbie Balea: