Vision for Supporting Families and the CoP in IN:
Expand and integrate the Charting the LifeCourse framework into the system in a sustainable way and intentionally utilize the tools to better support individuals and families to understand and apply policies.
Develop a common, shared language, and value set to bring together the various initiatives under a unified connection point or shared goal.
Innovation/Focus Areas:
Indiana Is Involved In a number of Initiatives and activities that aim to transform our systems services to be person centered, strength based and provide opportunities for Integrated supports. Whether It Is our work through the Culture of Quality, Living Well, LifeCourse Nexus, Community of Practice for Cultural and Linguistic Competency In Developmental Disabilities, Waiver Redesign or policy changes we use LifeCourse as our guiding framework and shared principles.
Success Stories:
- Person-Centered Individualized Support Plan for Individual and families In our waiver services that focuses on the personal strengths of the Individual and family, what Is Important to and Important for them within each life domain and recognizes their current life stage and focusing on future life stage.
- During the public health emergency, we created a number of toolkits and resources using the principles and tools from the LifeCourse
Resources and Highlights:
- Person-Centered Individualized Support Plan Guide:
- COVID-19 Page which has a number of resource toolkits and materials using LIfeCourse to address needs during the pandemic:
Supporting Links:
- Team CoP Website:
- Team/State DD Agency:
- Team/State DD Council Link:

IN CoP for Supporting Families Facilitators:
Christine Dahlberg
Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities
Kim Opsahl
Department of Disability and Rehabilitative Services